One for Me
Where you sit
Hunchbacked to mine
Think of ourselves
And waste all our time
Reach the lock
And try the key
You left on the ground
Next to me
If my arm could
Twist to hear
Your racing thoughts
Blocked at your ears
Soon enough
The silence breaks
And all of your words
Lay out in wakes
Comb through words
Her hair of silk
That spill like strains
Of runny milk
Reading her prose
On her page
And see if you can’t
Squeeze in your name
Find the last line
Her permanent ink
Let your name float
And see if it sinks
If I land
On my feet
I’ll take the other lines
Down with me
Candles float
And flicker so soft
Sending a sweet
Rose petal waft
Arms tight like
A ziplock bag
To suffocate me
Make me glad
I refuse
To believe
You’re not the right
One for me
I refuse
To believe
You’re not the right
One for me
Widow’s peak
Of the white sun’s dress
Layered so soft
On the morning theft
You’ve taken all
But still stayed true
And I’m still left
With nothing but you